Roasting soybeans kills trypsin inhibitors, which can be extremely damaging to animals' protein digestion in the small intestine.
Roasting soybeans lowers soluble protein while increasing bypass protein.
RUP (Rumen Undegradable Protein) makes up 40-45% of crude protein in KLC Farms roasted beans versus only 25% in raw beans.
RUP in KLC Farms roasted soybeans is high value because of its high lysine content.
Through the roasting process, the beans keep all their natural vitamins and fats intact while making them more nutritionally available to your animals.
Roasting kills urease enzymes, allowing KLC Farms roasted soybeans to be fed with decreased feed refusals (even when blended with NPN's) or verses unprocessed beans.
Palatability - animals like the taste of KLC Farms roasted products.
KLC Farms roasted beans are an all natural product produced by a mechanical process – there's no chemical by-product and no animal by-product exposure to your herd.
KLC Farms roasted beans are a very consistent, high value feed ingredient.
Roasting converts starches to sugars in KLC Farms roasted corn.
Roasting corn helps prevent acidosis in ruminants like deer and cattle.
KLC Farms roasted beans have been proven to boost milk yield by as much as 9 pounds per head per day in high producing herds.
Dairy farmers report higher butter fat using KLC farms roasted products.
Deer ranchers report larger antlers and better body condition.
Pork producers report quicker weight gain while using less feed.
All of the above benefits work together to improve general animal health, which can lead to better reproduction results.
Poultry Producers achieve egg weight goals more quickly.